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(Place Info) Bukit Merah Orang Utan Island (ブキッ メラ オランウータン島) Foundation Semang

【マレーシア 移住 不動産 アパートメント ホテル 旅行 観光 ステイ 賃貸 MM2H ブログ Blog】

☆オススメ観光地☆彡 大好きなオランウータンに会いに行ってきました!!!西マレーシアでも動物園以外にオランウータンに会えるところがあるんです!!!ここはタイピン近くにあるオランウータン島。Let's go orang utan lsland !!

ここが船着場入り口の看板です。車で行けるのはここまででなので、駐車場に車を停めて、ここからは船でオランウータンに会いに行きます! Maybe most of the Malaysian even don't know this. Its means how bad marketing and promotion work in Malaysia. If local don't even know this place, how do them to introduce to tourist? マレーシア スカイミラー (Sky Mirror) How Malaysia Travel industry will grow more brighter and expect more people to come to visit? Malaysia have many beautiful places and need more exposure to local and tourist.



Here is the Jetty to ride boat to Orang Utan Island. How blue the sky.



Also, need to check for the boat. No much frequency for the ride. If you travel to Taipng like us, please check time to avoid to waste time. Bottom of the blog, please the price list. Think it quite expensive anyway.

さっきの橋をずっと歩いていくとチケットセンターがあります。 外国人(大人子供シニア)RM36 マレーシア人大人RM30 マレーシア人子供RM18(2018年9月現在)


旦那と日本から来た友達と私の3人で貸し切り状態(笑)でオランウータン島へ!!(後ろの方はセンターの人) 10分くらいで島に到着します。風がとっても気持ち良くて、オランウータンにもうすぐ会えるんだとテンション上がりまくりです(≧◇≦)


到着~! From Jetty to Orang Utan Island, will take about only 10min something.

いよいよオランウータンに会えるぞ!!! Already arrived! So excited and can't hardly to wait to see them!!!

人間が檻に入ってオランウータンをみるという面白い構造。人間がオランウータンに見られてる?! Here, human is 'on cage' and will be watched by Orang Utan.





飼育員が投げたリンゴを、一生懸命棒を使って取ろうとしてる所。最終的に取れました。オランウータンって頭いいです。​ It was so cute! (except the male, sometime show us his teeth...) But the female and young Orang Utan was so cute and bright! Some even gave us plant stick and the young Orang Utan even use the stick to grad food. Please don't say that I am finding fault again. I know actually here is a place to enhance the research and development capacity of Orang Utan but whole visiting time is too short because not so many Orang Utan here and not really guarantee you MUST see Orang Utan. Its the problem again that the visiting point is too short to finish and too less thing to see. There a display showcase and shop but its was [NOT ATTRACTIVE]. why don't make it fancy and many Kawaii souvenir and even turn it into a good ambient cafe with Jazz music to let the guest buying something and stay more longer?

1 Insufficient info from website and some was not updated timely.

2 Less info to guide how to go from KL.

3 Less attractive point and suggest not only go here but plan to go other place like Taiping etc.

4 No advertising promotion and less marketing planning even through paper, social media, internet, TV CM etc.

Just some suggestion for improvement.

Opss, go back to the blog. Bukit Merah Orang Utan Island is still a good place to visit but only when you go Taiping. Or come from Penang (takes about 1:30H).

【マレーシア 観光 旅行 ブログ Blog】


Place name:

Bukit Merah Orang Utan Island (ブキッ・メラ オランウータン島) Foundation Semanggol


+6 05 890 8110


Jalan Bukit Merah, 34400 Semanggol, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.

From Taiping takes about 35min by car.

Operating Time:

Everyday (Call before you go)

9:00am to 17:00pm


Park in front of the Jetty. (Surrounding like resort)

My remark:

Please check above.



Face Book :

Youtube : Erik Tabiniko KL&MontKiara Properties

短期&長期の宿泊の予約受付中、大人気のマレーシア スカイミラー (Sky Mirror) の予約も受付中

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Youtube : Tabiniko TV,



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Instagram : erikkongkong

Twitter : @Erik84367253



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